1. “Neurotafl” Software and Hardware System for Inclusive Education;Proceedings of the 9th International Ergonomics Conference;2023
2. New Insights Into the Anatomy, Connectivity and Clinical Implications of the Middle Longitudinal Fasciculus;Frontiers in Neuroanatomy;2021-01-29
3. Runas un valodas attīstības traucējumi, to korekcija un profilakse mūzikas terapijas praksē;Valodu apguve: problēmas un perspektīva : zinātnisko rakstu krājums = Language Acquisition: Problems and Perspective : conference proceedings;2020-05-06
4. Love in Lyrics;Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction;2019-11-07
5. Music and Semiotics: An Experiential Approach to Musical Sense-Making;Interdisciplinary Approaches to Semiotics;2017-08-23