1. A. Aasma, On transformations of summability fields of series, Abstracts of the conferenceProblems of pure and applied mathematics I (Tartu, 1985), pp.3–5 (in Russian).
2. A. Aasma, Description of transformations of summability fields, Abstracts of the conferenceProblems of pure and applied mathematics I (Tartu, 1985), pp.6–8 (in Russian).
3. A. Aasma, Transformations of summability fields,Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis,770 (1987), 38–50 (in Russian).
4. A. Aasma, On matrix transformations of summability fields, Abstracts of the conferenceProblems of pure and applied mathematics (Tartu, 1990), pp.122–124.
5. A. Aasma, The characterization of matrix transformations of summability fields,Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis,928 (1991), 3–14.