1. Z. I. Borewicz, “On parabolic subgroups in linear groups over a semilocal ring,” Vestn. LGU, Ser. 1, No. 13, 16–24 (1976).
2. Z. I. Borewicz, “On parabolic subgroups in the special linear group over a semilocal ring,” Vestn. LGU, Ser. 1, No. 19, 29–34 (1976).
3. Z. I. Borewicz, “A description of subgroups of the general linear group that contain the group of diagonal matrices,” Zap. Nauchn. Semin. LOMI, 64, 12–29 (1976).
4. Z. I. Borewicz and N. A. Vavilov, “The subgroups of the general linear group over a semilocal ring that contain the group of diagonal matrices,” Tr. Steklov Mat. Inst. AN SSSR, 148, 43–57 (1978).
5. Z. I. Borewicz and N. A. Vavilov, “On the definition of a net subgroup,” Zap. Nauchn. Semin. LOMI, 132, 26–33 (1983).