1. S. A. Vichkhanova and M. A. Rubinchik, The Search for Antimicrobial Substances among the Plants of Siberia and the Far East, Subjects of the IInd Conference on the Study of Medicinal Plants of Siberia and the Far East [in Russian], Tomsk, 1961.
2. R. N. Elizarova and A. D. Kuzovkov, ZhOKh, 2, 279, 1965.
3. Mitsuo Takahashi, Tetsuro Fujita, Vasumasa Koyama, and Vakugaku Lasshi, 78, 699, 1958; Tetsutarolkeda, Kanatomo Shoicki, and Vakugaku Lasshi, 78, 1128, 1958 [sic].