Thunderstorm climatology of Slovakia between 1984–2023


Vido Jaroslav,Borsányi Peter,Nalevanková Paulína,Hanzelová Miriam,Kučera Jiří,Škvarenina Jaroslav


AbstractThunderstorms are among the most extreme meteorological phenomena that can cause widespread destruction and loss of life. Their occurrence varies significantly across different regions and times of the year. Despite various studies on thunderstorm activity across Central Europe, direct analyses based on data from the Slovak territory still need to be made available. Given Slovakia’s diverse natural conditions, there is a need for detailed knowledge about the frequency and spatial distribution of thunderstorms in this region. To address this knowledge gap, we analysed the frequency and spatiotemporal distribution of days with thunderstorm occurrences in Slovakia between 1984 and 2023, utilising climatological data from the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute. We limited our analysis to data of days with close thunderstorms (thunderstorms occurring within 3 km of the monitoring station). Our findings reveal a significant variation in thunderstorm occurrences across Slovakia, with peak activity in the summer, especially in June and July. However, the spatial distribution of thunderstorms differed significantly across the country, with the highest frequency observed in mountainous regions and the east-central part of Slovakia. We found significant deceasing signals of the thunderstorm activity trends during the studied period, including analyses during the colder part of the year. Furthermore, our results underscore the critical role of synoptic situations in shaping these trends, where changes in certain atmospheric patterns were closely aligned with variations in thunderstorm frequency. The interaction between these synoptic conditions and regional topography was particularly evident, reinforcing the notion that topographical and environmental complexities substantially contribute to the observed thunderstorm distribution.


Technical University of Zvolen


Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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