1. See the following papers of mine: “Knowledge Representation and the Interrogative Approach to Inquiry,” forthcoming in a survey volume edited by Keith Lehrer and Marjorie A. Clay; “What Is the Logic of Experimental Inquiry?” Synthese 74 (1988): 133–190;
2. A. Clay; “The Interrogative Approach to Inquiry and Probabilistic Inference,” Erkenntnis 26 (1987): 429–442;
3. A. Clay; “The Logic of Science as Model-oriented Logic,” in PSA 1984, ed. P. Asquith and P. Kitcher (East Lansing, Mich.: Philosophy of Science of Association, 1984), 1: 177–185;
4. A. Clay; “A Spectrum of Logics of Questioning,” Philosophica 35 (1985): 135–150;
5. A. Clay; “Questioning as a Philosophical Method,” in Principles of Philosophical Reasoning, ed. James Fetzer (Totowa NJ.: Rowman and Allanheld, 1984), 25–43;