1. Coffman, E.G., and Mitrani I., Selecting a scheduling rule that meets pre-specified response time demands. Proceedings 5th Symposium on Operating System Principles, Austin (1975).
2. Payolle, G., King, P.J.B., and Mitrani, I., The Solution of Certain Two-dimensional Markov Models. To appear in Journal of Applied Probability Earlier version: Performance Evaluation Review, 9, 2 (1980) pp. 283–289.
3. King, P.J.B., and Mitrani, I., Numerical Methods for Infinite Markov Processes, Performance Evaluation Review, 9, 2 (I980), pp. 277–282.
4. King, P.J.B., and Mitrani, I., The Effect of Breakdowns on the Performance of Multi-Processor Systems, submitted to Performance’81 conference.
5. Mitrani, I. and Avi Itzhak, B., A Many Server Queue with Service Interruptions, Operations Research 16, pp. 628–638 (1968).