Forest Vegetation of Easternmost Russia (Russian Far East)


Krestov Pavel V.


Springer Netherlands

Reference210 articles.

1. Ageienko, A.S. and Klintsov, A.P. 1969. Forests of Sakhalin and Kuril Islands. [Lesa Sakhalina i Kurilskih ostrovov.] In: Anonymous. Forests of [Russian] Far East. [Lesa Dalnego Vostoka.] Lesnaya Promyshlennost, Moscow (in Russian).

2. Alexandrova, V.D. 1973. Russian approaches to classification of vegetation. In: Whittaker, R.H. (ed.), Ordination and classification of communities. Handbook of Vegetation Science, pp. 493–527. W. Junk, The Hague.

3. Alexeiev, V.A. and Shamshin, V.A. 1972. On ecology and structure of stonebirch forests on Kamchatka. [Ob ecologii i strukture kamennoberezovyh lesov Kamchatki.] Bot. Zhurn. 57: 1055–1068 (in Russian, with English summary).

4. Aliokhin, V.V. 1930. The map of vegetation of the Asian part of Russia. Scale 1: 16,000,000. [Karta rastitelnosti asiatskoy chasti Rossii. Masshtab 1:16,000,000.] Goskartogeodezia, Leningrad (in Russian).

5. Aliokhin, V.V. 1950. The map of vegetation of the USSR. Scale 1: 18,000,000. [Karta rastitelnosti SSSR. Masshtab 1:18,000,000.] hi: Aliokhin, V. V. (ed.), The plant geography. [Geografiya rasteniy.] Uchpedgiz, Moscow.







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