1. All reflector surface RMS calculations performed using the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory half-path length (HPL) method.
2. Freeland, R.E., “Survey of Deployable Antenna Concepts,” Proceedings of Large Space Antenna Systems Technology-1982, NASA-CP-2269, Nov.-Dec., 1982, pp. 381–421.
3. Roederer, A.G. and Rahmat-Samii, A.G. and Rahmat-Samii, “Unfurlable Satellite Antennas: A Review,” Annales des Telecommunications, Vol. 44 No. 9, 10, 1989, pp. 475–488.
4. You, Z. and Pelligrino, S., “Cable-Stiffened Pantographic Deployable Structures Part 2: Mesh Reflector,” AIAA Journal, Vol. 35, No. 8, 1996, pp. 1348–1355.
5. U.S. Patent No. 5,680,145