1. Høg, E., 1980, Mittel. Astron. Gesel., n° 48, p. 127.
2. Høg, E., 1986, in “Astrometric techniques”, IAU symposium 109, this volume.
3. Kovalevsky, J., 1982, in “The scientific aspects of the Hipparcos mission” ESA symposium, Strasbourg, M.A.C. Perryman and T.D. Guyenne eds., ESA document SP-177, p. 15.
4. Kovalevsky, J., 1984, “Prospects for Space Astrometry”, Space Science Review, Vol. 39, p. 1.
5. Lacroûte, P., 1968, Transaction of the IAU, vol. XIIIB, L. Perek ed., Prague, p. 63.