1. Bell, B.: 1986, ‘Form 1–5 Science Review Effecting Change’, The New Zealand Science Teacher 48, 6–9.
2. Bell, B. (ed.): 1993a, I Know about LISP But How Do I Put It into Practice? (Final Report of the Learning in Science Project [Teacher Development]), Centre for Science and Mathematics Education Research, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand.
3. Bell, B.: 1993b, Children’s Science, Constructivism and Learning in Science, Deakin University Press, Geelong, Australia.
4. Bell, B.: 1994, ‘Using Anecdotes in Teacher Development’, International journal of Science Education 16, 575–584.
5. Bell, B. & Gilbert, J.: 1994, ‘Teacher Development as Personal, Professional and Social Development’, Teaching and Teacher Education 10, 483–497.