1. Kasimierz Ajdukiewicz. Die syntaktische Konnexität. Studia Philosophica, 1:1–27, 1937. Translated in S. McCall, Polish Logic 1920–1939, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1967.
2. Yehoshua Bar-Hillel. A quasiarithmetical notation for syntactic description. Language, 29: 47–58, 1953.
3. Michael Barr. The theory of theories as a model of syntactic acquisition. Theoretical Linguistics, 5: 261–274, 1978.
4. David B. Benson. Syntax and semantics: a categorical view. Information and Control, 17: 145–160, 1970.
5. David B. Benson. The basic algebraic structures in categories of derivations. Information and Control, 28: 1–29, 1975.