1. Kraus, C. A., 1931, J. Franklin Inst, 212, p. 537.
2. Colloque Weyl I at Lille France, 1963. 1964, “Metal-ammonia solutions,” ed. Lepoutre, G. and Sienko, M. J., W. A. Benjamin, New York.
3. Colloque Weyl II at Ithica, New York, June 1969. 1970, “Metal-ammonia solutions,” ed. Lagowski, J. J., and Sienko, M. J., Butterworths, London.
4. Colloque Weyl III at Hanita, Israel, June 1972. 1973, “Electrons in Fluids,” ed. Jortner, J., and Kestner, N. R., Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg.
5. Colloque Weyl IV at East Lansing, Michigan, June 1975. 1975, J. Phys. Chem. 79, No. 26.