1. M. Kertész-Såringer, E. Mészàros, R. Vârkonyi (1971) Atmospheric Environment, 5, 429.
2. R.C. Pierce, M. Katz (1975) Environmental Science and Technology, 9, 347.
3. F. De Wiest, H. Della Fiorentina (1977) The Science of the Total Environment, 8, 275.
4. M. Katz, R.C. Pierce (1976) “Quantitative Distribution of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Relation to Particle Size of Urban Particulates” in “Carcinogenesis”, Vol. I,“Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons Chemistry, Metabolism and Carcinogenesis”, ed. R.I. Freudenthal, P.W. Jones, Raven Press, New York, 413.
5. A.H. Miguel, S.K. Friedlander (1978) Atmospheric Environment, 12, 2407.