1. G. de RICHEMONT “Existing and new hypersonic facilities required for HERMES spacecraft testing”. ICAS 90 Sweden.
2. E. HIRSCHEL, A. KOC, S. RIEDELBAUCH: “Hypersonic flow past radiation-cooled surfaces”. AIAA - 91–5031.
3. G. KOPPENWALLNER, Ph. SAGNIER, G. EITELBERG, K.HANNEMANN : “Philosophy of high enthalpy wind-tunnel utilization”. HTG Report 4–91 or CNES TA Report H-NT-0–2025 DLR.
4. PAPIRNYK, SAGNIER, LOURME, BUTEFISH : “Measurement techniques currently in use or in development within the HERMES program Synthesis of the presentations made at the DLR/Cologne meeting on June 25–27, 1990. ONERA H-NT-0–2032-ONER.