1. G. Stocklin and S.M. Qaim, Proc. Int. Conf. on Neutron Physics and Nuclear Data for Reactors and other Applied Purposes, Harwell, September 1978 ( NEA, Paris, 1979 ) p. 667
2. G. Stocklin and G. Kloster in “Computed Emission Tomography” (Edited by P.J. Ell and B.L. Holman ), Oxford University Press, Oxford (1982), p. 299
3. Table of Isotopes, 7th Edition (Eds. C.M. Lederer and V.S. Shirley ), John Wiley amp; Sons, Inc., 1978
4. S.M. Qaim, Radiochimica Acta 30, 1UT (1982)
5. R. Weinreich, Z.B. Alfassi, G. Blessing and G. Stocklin, Proc. 17th Intern. Ann. Meeting Soc. Nucl. Med., Innsbruck, September 1979, cf. Nuklearmedizin: Suppl. 17, 202 (1980)