1. Aristotle: 1908, The Works of Aristotle, (trans.) W. D. Ross, Clarendon Press, Oxford, England.
2. Baum, M. L., Anish, D. S., Chalmers, T. C., et al.: 1981, ‘A Survey of Clinical Trials of Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Colon Surgery: Evidence Against Further Use of No-Treatment Controls’, The New England Journal of Medicine
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3. Bernard, Claude: 1957, Introduction to the Study of Experimental Medicine (1865), Dover Publications, New York. See Part Two, Chapter II, Section III.
4. Bonchek, L. I.: 1979, ‘Are Randomized Trials Appropriate for Evaluating New Operations?’, New England Journal of Medicine
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5. Chalmers, T. C.: 1972, ‘Editorial — Randomization and Coronary Artery Surgery’, Annals of Thoracic Surgery
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