1. Allchin, D.: Paradigms, populations and problem fields: approaches to disagreement. PSA 1990(1), 53–66 (1990)
2. Allchin, D.: Resolving disagreement in science. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago, Chicago (1991)
3. Allchin, D.: How do you falsify a question? Crucial tests versus crucial demonstrations. PSA 1992(1), 74–88 (1992)
4. Allchin, D.: The super-bowl and the ox-phos controversy: winner-take-all competition in philosophy of science. PSA 1994(1), 22–33 (1994)
5. Allchin, D.: Cellular and theoretical chimeras: piecing together how cells process energy. Stud. Hist. Philos. Sci. 27, 31–41 (1996)