1. T.E. Michels, Planck Function and Integrals; Methods of Computation. NASA Technical Note, NASA TN D-4446 (National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, DC, 1968), p. 37
2. M. Pivovonsky, M.R. Nagel, Tables of Blackbody Radiation Functions: MacMillan Monographs in Applied Optics (Literary Licensing, LLC, Whitefish, 2013), p. 481
3. F.R. Gilmore, A table of the Planck radiation function and its integral. Project Rand Research Memorandum RM-1743 (1956)
4. S.A. Twomey, Infrared Phys. 3(1), 9 (1963)
5. M.K. Frehafer, C.L. Snow, J. Frankl. Inst. 200(3), 387 (1925)