1. Wai-Chiao P’ing-Lun/Wai Jiao Ping Lun [The Foreign Affairs Review] (Shanghai), October 1933, 2, no. 10 ed.
2. Wai-Chiao Yüeh-Pao/Wai Jiao Yue Bao [Diplomacy Monthly] (Peiping), September 15, 1933, 3, no. 3 ed.
3. Wai-Chiao-Pu Kung-Pao/Wai Jiao Bu Gong Bao [Gazette of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs], (Nanking), Autumn 1933, 6, no. 3 ed.
4. Fan-Chih Yüeh-K’an/Fan Zhi Yue Kan [Geography Monthly] (Nanking), April 1, 1934, 7, no. 4 ed.
5. Ta Kung Pao/Dagong Bao [The Impartial] (Tianjin), February 1, 1947.