1. Organisations web page:
2. Grawunder, M., Reß, R., Breitsamter, C., Adams, N.A.: Flow characteristics of a helicopter fuselage configuration including a rotating rotor head. In: 28th International Congress of the Aeronautical Sciences, Brisbane (2012)
3. Grawunder, M., Reß, R., Stein, V., Breitsamter, C., Adams, N.A.: Flow-simulation of a five-bladed rotor head. In: New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics IX. Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, vol. 124, pp. 235–243 (2014)
4. Hill, M., Louis, M.: Rotating hub drag prediction methodology. In: American Helicopter Society Specialist’s Conference on Future Vertical Lift Aircraft Design, San Francisco (2012)
5. Grawunder, M., Reß, R., Breitsamter, C., Adams, N.A.: Optimised skid-landing-gear for twin-engine-light utility helicopter. In: 39th European Rotorcraft Forum, Moscow (2013)