1. Chromium Documentation. http://chromium.sourceforge.net/doc/index.html . Accessed 17 Jan 2016
2. CUDA Toolkit $$|$$ | NVIDIA Developer. https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-toolkit . Accessed 15 Sept 2015
3. GeForce GTX 680 $$|$$ | Specifications $$|$$ | GeForce. http://www.geforce.com/hardware/desktop-gpus/geforce-gtx-680/specifications . Accessed 03 Oct 2015
4. How to investigate and use Turbo mode, C-States, P-States in XenServer. http://xenserver.org/partners/developing-products-for-xenserver/19-dev-help/138-xs-dev-perf-turbo.html . Accessed 24 Oct 2015
5. Intel Graphics Virtualization Technology (Intel GVT). https://01.org/igvt-g . Accessed 18 Oct 2015