1. Benacerraf, P., Putnam, H.: Philosophy of Mathematics: Selected Readings. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1983)
2. Bernays, P.: Sur the platonisme dans les mathématiques. L’Enseignement mathématique 34, 52–69 (1935). Translated in [1] with the title: On Platonism in Mathematics
3. Buchholz, W., Feferman, S., Pohlers, W., Sieg, W.: Iterated Inductive Definitions and Subsystems of Analysis. Springer, Berlin (1981)
4. Cantini, A.: Una teoria della predicatività secondo Poincaré. Rivista di Filosofia 72, 32–50 (1981)
5. Cantini, A.: Paradoxes, self-reference and truth in the 20th century. In: Gabbay, D. (ed.) The Handbook of the History of Logic, pp. 5–875. Elsevier (2009)