1. Brattinga, M., Nijssen, S.: A sustainable architecture for durable modeling of laws and regulations and main concepts of the durable model. Paper Accepted at the FBM 2015 Workshop of the OnTheMove 2015 Conference, Rhodos, Greece, October 29–30, 2015. Springer
2. Engers, T.M., van Nijssen, S.: Bridging social reality with rules. Paper Presented at IRIS2014, Das Internationale Rechtsinformatik Symposion, Salzburg, Austria, February 21, 2014
3. Lecture Notes in Computer Science;T Engers Van,2014
4. Engers, T.M., van Nijssen, S.: From legislation towards service development– an approach to agile implementation of legislation. Paper Accepted for Presentation at EGOVIS 2014 in München, September 1–5 and to be Included in the Proceedings
5. Engers, T.M., van Doesburg, R.: First steps towards a formal analysis of law. In: Malzahn, D., Conceição, G. (eds.) eKNOW 2015, pp. 36–42. IARIA (2015)