1. Chandra/Harel, Structure and Complexity of Relational Queries, JCSS 25,p. 99–128
2. Chandra/Harel, Horn Clauses and the Fixpoint Hierarchy, Proceedings of the ACM-Symposium on Principles of Data Base Systems 82, p. 158–163
3. Dahlhaus, Reductions to NP-Complete Problems by Interpretations, in Logic and Machines: Decision Problems and Complexity, Börger/Rödding/Hasenjaeger ed., LNCS 171, p. 357–356
4. Generalized First Order Spectra and Polynomial Time Recognizable Sets, SIAM-AMS-Proceedings 7, p. 43–73
5. Gurevich/Shelah, Fixed Point Extensions of First-Order-Logic, 26-th IEEE-FOCS