1. Table de radionucléides: CEA/BNM, Laboratoire de métrologie des rayonnements ionisants, LMRI-Saclay 1986.
2. A. AARKROG, Environmental studies on radioecological sensitivity and variability with special emphasis on the fallout of90Sr ans137Cs, RISØ Report 437, 1979.
3. A. MAC EWAN, Department of Health, NRL Christchurch New-Zealand, AR 27, 1986.
4. G. SIMMONET, M. ORIA, Les measures de radioactivité à l'aide des compteurs à scintillation liquide, Eyrolles, Paris, 1986.
5. J. G. RING, D. C. NGUYEN, L. J. EVERETT, in: Liquid Scintillation Counting: Recent Applications and Development, Vol. 1, C. T. PENG, D. L. HORROCKS and E. L. ALPEN (Eds), Academic Press, New York, 1980, p. 89.