1. CDC (2002) Guidance for Comprehensive Cancer Control Planning. Department of Health and Human Services, Atlanta. Available from: http://www.cdc.gov/cancer/dcpc/publications/ncccp.htm
2. C-Change’s Increasing Access to Cancer Care: An Action Guide for Comprehensive Cancer Control Coalitions can be found on the C-Change website at: http://www.c-changetogether.org/pubs/default.asp
3. Nebraska Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Report 2001–2003 can be accessed at: http://www.dhhs.ne.gov/brfss/docs/Report2001-2003.pdf
4. Stay in the Game Media Kit, found at: http://stayinthegamene.com/media.php
5. The Guide to Community Preventive Services can be accessed at: http://www.thecommunityguide.org/index.html