1. Abramsky, S., Interaction Categories (Extended Abstract). Theory and Formal Methods Workshop, Springer Verlag, 1993.
2. Abramsky, S., S. Gay and R. Nagarajan, Constructing and verifying typed processes. Available by FTP, 1993.
3. Abramsky, S., and R. Jagadeesan. Games and Full Completeness for Multiplicative Linear Logic. Imperial College Technical Report DoC 92 /24, 1992.
4. Abramsky, S., Jagadeesan, R., and Malacaria, P. Games and full abstraction for PCF: preliminary annnouncement. Unpublished.
5. Aczel, P., Non-well-founded sets. CLSI Lecture Notes 14, Center for the Study of Language and Information, 1988.