1. A. Fick, Annalen der Phyik und Chemie 94, 59 (1855); Philos. Mag. 10, 30 (1855)
2. J.B.J. Fourier, The Analytical Theory of Heat, translated by A. Freeman, University Press, Cambridge, 1978
3. J. Crank, The Mathematics of Diffusion, 2nd edition, Oxford University Press, 1975
4. I.N. Bronstein, K.A. Semendjajew, Taschenbuch der Mathematik, 9. Auflage, Verlag Harri Deutsch, Zürich & Frankfurt, 1969
5. J.F. Nye, Physical Properties of Crystals: their Representation by Tensors and Matrices, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1957