1. Darvas, Á., Hähnle, R., Sands, D.: A theorem proving approach to analysis of secure information flow. Technical Report 2004-01, Department of Computing Science, Chalmers University of Technology and Göteborg University (2004)
2. Ahrendt, W., Baar, T., Beckert, B., Bubel, R., Giese, M., H??hnle, R., Menzel, W., Mostowski, W., Roth, A., Schlager, S., Schmitt, P.H.: The KeY tool. Software and System Modeling (2004);
3. Online First issue, to appear in print
4. Barthe, G., D’Argenio, P.R., Rezk, T.: Secure information flow by self-composition. In: Proc. 17th IEEE Comp. Sec. Founds. Workshop (2004)
5. Beckert, B.: A dynamic logic for the formal verification of Java Card programs. Java on Smart Cards: Programming and Security, 6–24 (2001)