1. Thoma 1985, A Prototype System for the Electronic Storage and Retrieval of Document Images.
2. Lesk 1997, Practical Digital Libraries. Theng 2005, Design and Usability of Digital Libraries. Morgan 2006, Designing, Implementing, and Maintaining Digital Library Services and Collections with MyLibrary, http://dewey.library.nd.edu/mylibrary/manual/. Wilkinson 1998, Document computing. Witten 2003, How to Build a Digital Library.
3. Dougherty 2004, Taming the Wild West.
4. Miller 1988, A Reference Model for Mass Storage Systems.
5. Wilson 2002, Access Across Time: How the NAA Preserves Digital Records, http://www.erpanet.org/events/2003/rome/presentations/Wilson.ppt.