1. Field Measurements in Geomechanics: Proc. of the 1st (Zurich, 1983), 2nd (Kobe, 1987) International Symposiums.
2. Proc. 5th (Melbourne, 1983), 6th (Montreal, 1987), 7th (Aachen, 1991) International Congresses on Rock Mechanics.
3. Rock Stress and Rock Stress Measurements: Proc. of the Int. Symp. (Stockholm, 1986).
4. "Change in stresses in a rock mass," Proc. All-Union Seminars on Measuring Stresses in Rocks (Novosibirsk, 1967–1989).
5. Proc. of the Workshop (Monterey, 1981), 2nd Int. Workshop (Minneapolis, 1988) on Hydraulic Fracturing Stress Measurements.