1. WHO. Road traffic injuries. http://www.who.int/violence_injury_prevention/road_traffic/en/ . Accessed 23 Oct 2016.
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3. •• Fleisher A, Wier ML, Hunter M. A vision for transportation safety framework for identifying best practice strategies to advance Vision Zero. Transp Res Rec. 2016;(2582):72–86. The above reference is a comprehensive evaluation of Vision Zero practices.
4. Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents. Road accident prevention 1916-1986; Drive and Stay Alive. History of Road safety. http://www.driveandstayalive.com/history-road-safety/ . Accessed 15 Nov 2016.
5. White R. Auto safety history. America on the move: National Museum of American History. http://amhistory.si.edu/onthemove/themes/story_86_4.html . Accessed 15 Nov 2016.