1. H. v. Ditfurth, Am Anfang war der Wasserstoff. Hoffmann und Campe (Hamburg 1973)
2. Springer Series in Synegetics,1988
3. See e.g. the review of R.C. DiPrima and H.L. Swinney, in: Hydrodynamic Instabilities and the Transition to Turbulence, ed. by H.L. Swinney and J.P. Gollub (Springer, Berlin 1981)
4. See e.g. the article of F.H. Busse, in: Hydrodynamic Instabilities and the Transition to Turbulence, ed. by H.L. Swinney and J.P. Gollub (Springer, Berlin 1981)
5. See the contributions of G. Ahlers, D.S. Cannell, and R.S. Heinrichs, in: Chaos 87, International Conference on the Physics of Chaos and Systems far from Equilibrium, ed. by M. Duong-Van (North Holland, Amsterdam, 1987) and Nuclear Physics B (Proc. Suppl.) 2 (1987); P. Kolodner, A. Passner, H.L. Williams, C.M. Surko, ibid. Chaos 87, International Conference on the Physics of Chaos and Systems far from Equilibrium, ed. by M. Duong-Van (North Holland, Amsterdam 1987); V. Steinberg, E. Moses, J. Fineberg, ibid Chaos 87, International Conference on the Physics of Chaos and Systems far from Equilibrium, ed. by M. Duong-Van (North Holland, Amsterdam 1987)