1. F. D. Rosi, C. A. Dube, and B. H. Alexander: Mechanism of Plastic Flow in Titanium—Determination of Slip and Twinning Elements. Trans. AIME (1953) 197, p. 257; Journal of Metals (February 1953).
2. E. A. Anderson, D. C. Jillson, and S. R. Dunbar: Deformation Mechanisms in Alpha Titanium. Trans. AIME (1953) 197, p. 1191; Journal of Metals (September 1953).
3. A. T. Churchman: Preparation of Single Crystals of Titanium and Their Mode of Deformation. Nature (1953) 171, p. 706.
4. T. S. Liu and M. A. Steinberg: Twinning Single Crystals of Titanium. Trans. AIME (1952) 194, p. 1043; Journal of Metals (October 1952).
5. C. J. McHargue and J. P. Hammond: Deformation Mechanisms in Titanium at Elevated Temperatures. Acta Metallurgica (1953) 1, No. 6, p. 700.