1. Allen, B. C. (1905). Assam District Gazatteers, Vol-IX, Naga Hills and Manipur. Baptist Mission Press.
2. Allen, B. C. (1906). Assam District Gazetteers, Vol-X, The Khasi and Jaintia Hillas, The Garo Hills, and The Lushai Hills. The Pioneer Press.
3. Allen, B. C. (1914). Resolution on the report on forest administration in Assam for the year 1913–14. Printed at The Assam Secretariat Printing Office.
4. Bose, N. K. (2014). Tribal life in India. (C. B. Tripathi, Ed.) National Book Trust.
5. Brandis, D. (1897). Indian forestry. Oriental University Institute.