1. O. E. Krasheninnikova and G. E. Mistetsky, Ivan Ivanovich Lyashko. Bibliography of Scientists of the Ukrainian SSR [in Russian], Naukova Dumka, Kyiv (1982).
2. I. M. Alexandrovych, Y. Z. Prokhur, and V. M. Sklepovy, Prominent Personalities of Kyiv University: Lyashko Ivan Ivanovych [in Ukrainian], VPTs “Kyyivskyy Universytet” (2002).
3. I. I. Lyashko, “Solving the problem of filtration under a multiple-pillar dam with an arbitrary curvilinear subsurface drainage,” Authors’ Abstracts of Ph.D. Thesis, Kyiv (1955).
4. G. N. Polozii, “Theorem on conservation of the domain for some elliptic systems of differential equations and its applications,” Matem. Sb. (N.S.), Vol. 32(74), No. 3, 485–492 (1953).
5. I. I. Lyashko, Solving Filtration Problems by the Summary Representations Method [in Russian], Izd-vo KGU, Kyiv (1963).