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2. Black, C. C. (1970). Paleontology and geology of the Badwater Creek area, central Wyoming, Part 5. The cylindrodont rodents. Annals of Carnegie Museum, 41, 201–214.
3. Burke, J. J. (1935). Pseudocylindrodon, a new rodent genus from the Pipestone Springs Oligocene of Montana. Annals of the Carnegie Museum, 25, 1–4.
4. Burke, J. J. (1936). Ardynomys and Desmatolagus in North American Oligocene. Annals of the Carnegie Museum, 25, 135–154.
5. Burke, J. J. (1938). A new cylindrodont rodent from the Oligocene of Montana. Annals of the Carnegie Museum, 27, 255–274.