1. H. Bouasse, Capillarité et phénomènes superficiels (Capillarity and Surface Phenomena) ( Paris: Delagrave, 1924 ).
2. W. Wick, Gouttes d’eau (Water Drops) ( Paris: Millefeuilles, 1998 ).
3. J. Rowlinson and B. Widom, Molecular Theory of Capillarity ( Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press, 1982 ).
4. A. W. Adamson, Physical Chemistry of Surfaces ( New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1990 ).
5. Pierre Simon de Laplace, Oeuvres complètes de Laplace, t IV, Supplément au livre X du traité de la mécanique céleste (Complete Works of Laplace, tome 4, Supplement to Book 10 of the Treatise on Celestial Mechanics), p. 394. Also 2ème supplément au livre X (2nd Supplement to Book 10), p. 419, ch. L