1. E. H. Novendstern, “Turbulent Flow Pressure Drop Model for Fuel Rod Assemblies Utilizing a Helical Wire-Wrap Spacer System,” Nucl. Eng. Des., 22 (1972) 19–27.
2. W. A. Sangster, “Calculation of Rod Bundle Pressure Loss,” Paper 68-WA/HT-35, ASME, New York, NY, 1968.
3. C. Chiu, W. M. Rohsenow, and N. E. Todreas, Flow Split Model for LMFBR Wire Wrapped Assemblies, COO-2245-56TR, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, April 1978.
4. J. T. Hawley, C. Chiu, W. M. Rohsenow, and N. E. Todreas, “Parameters for Laminar, Transition, and Turbulent Longitudinal Flows in Wire Wrap Spaced Hexagonal Arrays,” Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics, Saratoga, NY, 1980.
5. D. S. Rowe, COBRA-IIIC: A Digital Computer Program for Steady Slate and Transient Thermal Hydraulic Analysis of Rod Bundle Nuclear Fuei Elements, BNWL-1695, Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories, March 1973. See also T. L. George, K. L. Basehore, C. L. Wheeler, W. A. Prather, and R. E. Masterson, COBRA-WC: A Version of COBRA for Single-Phase Multiassembly Thermal Hydraulic Transient Analysis, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, PNL-3259, Richland, Washington, July 1980.