1. Aelian (1997), Historical Miscellany (Varia Historia), trans. by N. Wilson. Cambridge, London: Harvard University Press
2. Arnim, H. von (1904), Stoicorum Veterum Fragmenta, 4 vols. Leipzig:Teubner [repr. Stuttgart: Teubner, 1964]
3. Artemidorus, Onirocriticon. Artemidori Daldiani Onirocriticon libri V, ex recensione R. Hercheri. Lipsiae: Teubner
4. Athenaeus (1927–1941), The Deipnosophists, 7 vols., trans. by Ch. B. Gulick. Cambridge, London: Harvard University Press
5. Campanella, T. (1981), The City of the Sun, trans. by A. M. Elliott and R. Millner. Introduction by A. L. Morton. London: University of California Press