1. ESA Software Engineering Standards, ESA PSS-05–0 Issue 2, Board of Software Standardisation and Control, ESTEC publications, 1991.
2. T. Maier, M. Wilikens, “Reliability and Safety of Robotics: Aspects related to Remote Handling - Part 1: System Safety Analysis and Software Safety Requirements for a Remote Handling Device”, Technical Note I.94.130 ISEI/IE 2784/94, CEC, JRC Ispra, Sep 1994.
3. Interim Defence Standard 00–56: hazard analysis and safety classification of the computer and programmable electronic system elements of defence equipment.
4. International Electrotechnical Commission Draft Standard 65A 123 WG 10: Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic systems: General Aspects.
5. E. Ruiz Morales, “User Requirements Document for the Robertino Control System Software”, Technical Note I.94.159 ISEI/IE 2828/94, CEC, JRC Ispra, Dec 1994.