1. Ruiz, A., ‘Pavements recycling: final report and future actions. Technical and economics aspects’, 4th Pavements National Congress (only available in Spanish). Segovia, June 1998, 13–38.
2. NLT-162/84 ‘Standard test method for effect of water on compressive strength’, NLT Standards (only available in Spanish), (CEDEX, 1992).
3. Fernández del Campo, J. A. ‘Stabilisation and recycling with emulsion’, 4th Pavements National Congress (only available in Spanish). Segovia, June 1998, 59–65.
4. Pérez Jiménez, F. E., ‘Reference document for recycling: specification and standards. Current state and necessities’, 4th Pavements National Congress (only available in spanish), Segovia, June 1998, 73–76.
5. Sainton, A. and Bourdrel, D., ‘Procédé de double traitement à froid des matériaux au ciment et à l'émulsion de bitume’,Revue Générale des Routes et des Aérodromes 719 (1994) 34–41.