1. A recent survey inN.A. van House, Output measures in libraries,Library Trends, 38 (1989) 268–279.
2. For the Dutch part of the country seeH.D.L. Vervliet, Defensieve collectievorming inzake tijdschriftabonnementen: een nationale planning middels journal citation reports,Bibliotheekarchiefgids, 63 (1987) 23–29.
3. This notation is from an article to meditate:C.R. McCure, Increasing the usefulness of research for Library Managers: propositions, issues and strategies,Library Trends 38 (1989) 280–294.
4. A clear presentation of these J.C.R. can be found in:L. Egghe,Bibliometrie, Leuven, 1988, 126–144
5. or in:L. Egghe, R. Rousseau,Introduction to Informetrics, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1990.