Dale W. Jorgenson (1933–2022)


Fernald John G.


Springer International Publishing

Reference93 articles.

1. Auerbach, A.J. and D.W. Jorgenson (1980). ‘Inflation-Proof Depreciation of Assets’. Harvard Business Review, 58(5): 113–118. Reprinted as Chapter 8 in D.W. Jorgenson (1996) Investment—Volume 2: Tax Policy and the Cost of Capital. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press: 223–234.

2. Bernanke, B. and D.W. Jorgenson (1975). ‘The Integration of Energy Policy Models’. Computers and Operations Research, 2(3): 225–249.

3. Berndt, E.R. and D.W. Jorgenson (1973). ‘Production Structure’. Chapter 3 in D.W. Jorgenson and H.S. Houthakker (eds) US Energy Resources and Economic Growth. Washington, D.C.: Energy Policy Project.

4. Cao, J., M.S. Ho and D.W. Jorgenson (2013). ‘The Economics of Environmental Policies in China’. Chapter 9 in C.P. Nielsen and M.S. Ho (eds) Clearer Skies Over China. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press: 329–372.

5. Cao, J., M.S. Ho, D.W. Jorgenson, R. Ren, L. Sun and X. Yue (2009). ‘Industrial and Aggregate Measures of Productivity Growth in China, 1982–2000’. Review of Income and Wealth, 55(s1): 485–513.








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