1. Brundage, Percival Flack. 1970. The Bureau of the Budget. New York, NY: Praeger Publishers.
2. Burns, Arthur. 1973. “Statement by Arthur F. Burns before the Joint Study Committee on Budget Control.” Washington, DC: U.S. Congress, March 6.
3. Cato, Erle. 1959. “Accrued Cost, not ‘Accrued Expenditures’ is the Answer for Government.” The Accounting Review 34 (3): 392–398.
4. Christensen, Michelle C. 2012. The Executive Budget Process Timetable. Report to Congress, Washington: Congressional Research Service.
5. Congressional Quarterly. 1971. “Congress Accepts Four Executive Reorganization Plans.” In CQ Almanac, 1970, by Congressional Quarterly. Washington: Congressional Quarterly.