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2. About Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities. PMLD Network. http://pmldnetwork.org/PMLD%20Definition%20factsheet%20-%20standard.pdf . Accessed 9 Feb 2015.
3. About Us. PMLD Network. http://pmldnetwork.org/about_us/index.asp . Accessed 9 Feb 2015.
4. Associated Press in Seattle. 2018. US Judge Blocks Release of Blueprints for 3D Printed Guns. The Guardian. Uploaded 1 August 2018. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/jul/31/seattle-judge-blocks-release-of-blueprints-for-3d-printed-guns . Accessed 24 Aug 2018.
5. Bazalgette, Peter. 2017. The Empathy Instinct: How to Create a More Civil Society. London, UK: John Murray.