Springer International Publishing
Reference61 articles.
1. Abramsky, S. (1996). Retracing some paths in process algebra. In U. Montanari & V. Sassone (Eds.), CONCUR ’96: Concurrency theory (pp. 1–17). Berlin: Springer.
2. Abramsky, S. (2005). Abstract scalars, loops, and free traced and strongly compact closed categories. In J. Fiadeiro, N. Harman, M. Roggenbach, & J. Rutten (Eds.), Algebra and coalgebra in computer science (pp. 1–29). Berlin: Springer.
3. Abramsky, S. (2008). Temperley-lieb algebra: From knot theory to logic and computation via quantum mechanics. In Mathematics of quantum computation and quantum technology. Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences Series (pp. 515–558). Boca Raton: Chapman & Hall/CRC.
4. Abramsky, S., Blute, R., & Panangaden, P. (1999). Nuclear and trace ideals in tensored *-categories. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 143, 3–47.
5. Abramsky, S., & Coecke, B. (2005). A categorical semantics of quantum protocols. In Proceedings of the 19th Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (lics 2004) (pp. 415–425). IEEE Computer Society Press.