1. Bayrak, B., Bach, K.: A twin XCBR system using supportive and contrastive explanations. In: ICCBR 2023 Workshop Proceedings. CEUR Workshop Proceedings (2023)
2. Bayrak, B., Bach, K.: Evaluation of instance-based explanations: an in-depth analysis of counterfactual evaluation methods, challenges, and the CEval toolkit. Under review (2024)
3. Caro-Martínez, M., et al.: Conceptual modelling of explanation experiences through the iSeeOnto ontology. In: Reuss, P., Schönborn, J.M. (eds.) Workshop Proceedings of the 30th ICCBR. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol. 3389, pp. 117–128. CEUR-WS.org (2022)
4. Caro-Martínez, M., et al.: iSeeE3 - the explanation experiences editor. SoftwareX 21, 101311 (2023)
5. Darias, J.M., Bayrak, B., Caro-Martínez, M., Díaz-Agudo, B., Recio-Garcia, J.A.: An Empirical Analysis of User Preferences Regarding XAI metrics. In: ICCBR 2024 Proceedings (2024, in press)