1. Adickes, Erich. 1897. Kants Systematik als systembildender Faktor. Berlin: Mayer und Müller.
2. Adickes, Erich. 1924. Kant als Naturforscher. Berlin: de Gruyter.
3. Baumgarten, Alexander Gottlieb. 1757. Metaphysica. 4th ed. Halle: Hemmerde. Quoted after Kants gesammelte Schriften, Vol. 17.
4. Boscovich, Roger J. 1758. Theoria philosophiae naturalis. Engl.: A Theory of Natural Philosophy, ed. J.M. Child. Chicago/London: Open Court Publishing Company 1922. https://archive.org/details/theoryofnaturalp00boscrich.
5. Calinger, Ronald. 1968. The Newtonian–Wolffian Confrontation in the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1725–1746). In Cahiers d’histoire mondiale, XI, 3, Henry Schumann Prize Paper in the History of Science, 417–436.